When Is The Best Time To Start Dental Braces Treatment

As children grow up teeth movement will usually lead to a small amount of pressure being exerted on the bone. Over time, this will stimulate the corresponding cells to resorb towards the direction the tooth is moving. When a space has been created, the tooth will be pushed into it. After some time, the bone will fill in the space left by the tooth once it has been relocated. This process is continuous and will even take place when one is at almost any age. To avoid this, and to ensure that teeth are realigned, a patient may require having braces fitted in place.

Having braces

However, this is a situation that can be treated if handled before it becomes a problem. Nonetheless, braces will depend on the kind of problem or discrepancy you are looking to correct. Overall, it is advisable that you have your child go for orthodontic evaluation before they reach 7 years of age. This way, your specialist can assess the child’s dental status and consider whether they will need dental aligning or straightening; depending on the severity of their case or the cause of misalignment.

When to start

Basically, the best time to start dental braces treatment would be when a child has already lost most of his or her primary teeth (also known as baby teeth), and a majority of their permanent teeth (adult teeth) have grown in place. This usually is between 8 and 14 years of age.

The most widely used treatment option by many orthodontists is the interceptive approach. This is a two stage process where the problem will first of all be taken care of using dental appliances when the child is still young and most of his or her primary teeth. Then, when he or she has had most of the primary teeth grow in place, dental braces are then fitted. This option is mostly considered effective as the first process will guide growth shortening the use of dental braces during the second.

Visit Dr.Kim orthodontist

On the other hand, there approaches which work as effectively. However, the best approach will usually be determined by the child’s dental problem severity during evaluation. It is therefore important that you visit an orthodontist in good time for timely evaluation, professional advice and the effective management of your child’s dental health.